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Image by Stefano Ciociola

Pawel Rolek
Member of the Board



Currently Member of the Management Board w Instytut Transportu Kolejowego Sp. z o. o.,earlier served as, among others: Vice-President of the Management Board for technical and operational matters w Koleje Śląskie Sp. z o. o.,Member of the Governing Board w European Union Agency for Railways, Director of the Department of Monitoring and Railway Safety w Office of Rail Transport. 


He also gained knowledge and experience in the field of railways, thanks to numerous researches conducted while working inMilan Polytechnic, mostly in the field of monitoring the technical condition of railway components through the analysis of vibrations generated by them, membership in the research group operating under the European Project "SUSTRAIL - the sustainable freight railway" dealing with the analysis of the dynamics of the Y25 railway bogie, and conducting trainings and lectures._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

He started his railway adventure on Silesian University of Technology in Katowice,being a member research groups in the field of: vibration and noise measurements, measurements and analyzes of heat propagation in a railway brake pad during braking, construction and implementation of the International Railway Industry Standard IRIS, construction and implementation of Safety Management Systems SMS vehicle dynamics measurements, analysis of heat transfer in a new type of pantograph, as well as organizing and conducting workshops on the use of CAx systems (CATIA, Abaqus). 


Doctoral studies

Politecnico di Milano, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Rail Vehicle Dynamics, Milan (Italy)

Research in the analysis of the technical condition of railway axes by monitoring the level of vibrations generated during their operation.

Subject of the diploma thesis: "Low-frequency vibration analysis as a method used to monitor the technical condition of railway axles in real time”

Postgraduate studies

Management and Marketing, University of Economics in Katowice, Faculty of Management, Katowice


Silesian University of Technology in Katowice, Faculty of Transport, Katowice

Specialization: Operation and repair of motor vehicles

Thesis topic:"Advanced finite element meshing methods on the example of Catia V5"

Engineering studies

Silesian University of Technology in Katowice, Faculty of Transport, Katowice

Specialization: Railway transport

Thesis subject:"Analysis of stress distribution in the spigot wheel of the transmission system with ALSTOM gear"

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