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Image by Stefano Ciociola

Single Safety Certificate


As required regulation Commission Delegated (EU) 2018/762 any carrier and the infrastructure manager is obliged to build, implement and certify the Safety Management System (SMS).

With the entry into force of IV of the Railway Package have ceased apply Commission Regulations (EU) No 1158/2010 and 1169/2010, which previously established the criteria for Management Systems safety. 

The current law imposes a number of new obligations and requirements on entities that SMS documentation must fulfil.

The process of applying for a certificate (Single Safety Certificate) has also changed - currently the entire process is carried out by a dedicated system IT of the European Union Agency for Railways - the so-called One Stop Shop (OSS). This process is completely different from the one used so far, and the requirements for submitted applications are completely different than before.

The employees of the Railway Transport Institute were the first in Poland to successfully complete the process of applying for a Single Safety Certificate in the OSS system.

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