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Image by Stefano Ciociola

SMS training

New criteria for building the Management SystemSafety (SMS) by railway undertakings and infrastructure managers in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/762 introducednumber new requirements that must be met by the implemented system and the documentation describing it. Compared to the repealed EC Regulations 1158/2010 and 1169/2010, the legal requirements in accordance with the 4th railway package emphasize completely new processes andareas that have not been present or adequately highlighted in the implemented SMS so far. Aspects related to the human factor, asset management or safety culture are now particularly important and their proper presentation in the functioning system is crucial both during the process of applying for the Single CertificateSafetyas well as in the subsequent supervision process by the President of the Office of Rail Transport. 

During the training, the new requirements of the regulation and their practical implementation will be discussed within the procedures of the Management Systemsecurity. The method of implementing individual criteria will be presented and sample SMS documentation in accordance with the 4th railway package, which has successfully passed the assessment process by UTK, will be discussed.

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